Since Kat's Coffees N' More is new to the web, at this time we take our orders by email or phone. We accept checks, money orders and credit card payments thru c2it and Paypal.
All orders need to be emailed to along w/ preffered method of payment. If you wish to place your order by phone please call 678-354-1045 between 8a.m. - 5p.m. Monday thru Friday and on Saturday between 12p.m. - 3p.m. Otherwise you can leave a message and we will return your call. If you rather we call you, please send an email with your phone number.
Please copy and paste the following form when placing your order by email:
City, state and zip code:
Phone number:
Address order will be shipped to if different from above:
Description (if needed):
**Shipping charges**
Please see shipping charges below.* There are exceptions on shipping charges for smaller orders * Please add the shipping cost to your total. If shipping is not added, an email will be sent to you with the total plus shipping.
$00 - $25.00 = $6.00
$25.01 - $50. = $7.00
$50.01 - $75. = $8.00
$75.01 - $100. = $9.00
Add $1.00 for each additional $25.00